Cuban duo Alex Hernández-Dueñas and Ariamna Contino are currently on display at HALLE 14 in Leipzig, Germany.
/Copyright by HALLE 14 | Büro für Fotografie, Leipzig 2023
This group exhibition features Cuban artists Alex Hernández-Dueñas & Ariamna Contino, along with artists Joyce Kozloff, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Susan Schuppli, Ward Shelley, and Till Wittwer.
“Das Grosse Tableau/ The Big Picture” explores the link between knowledge, sight, art, and science, highlighting how viewing leads to knowing, and tools such as maps help give shape to abstract information.
The installation images feature Hernández-Dueñas & Contino’s works presented in “The Big Picture,” including abstracted landscapes informed by statistical data, which contribute to the exhibition’s contemplation on how and if art can provide a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected human experience.
Exhibition sponsored by: Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen