Franziska Fennert is exhibiting at "ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau"

Left Image | 左圖: ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau|2020 ARTFEM第二屆國際女藝術家澳門雙年展 Right Image|右圖: Franziska Fennert|法蘭西斯卡.芬納特〈Mother Earth|大地之母〉2020, Used ironed plastic bags sewed on canvas, acrylic paint, spray paint, threads|熨燙舊塑膠袋並…

Left Image: ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau
Right Image: Franziska Fennert, Mother Earth, 2020, Used ironed plastic bags sewed on canvas, acrylic paint, spray paint, threads, 90 x 120 x 7 cm|35.4 x 47.2 x 2.8 inches
Image Credit:Rangga Purbaya

The German artist Franziska Fennert, is currently showing her installations that reflect this globally relevant topic ─ the natural world, in ARTFEM 2020, the second edition of the International Women Biennial of Art of Macau SAR (until Dec. 13th, 2020), revolves around the theme Natura and acknowledges various acts of that have been or need to be practiced.The core messages both works strive to deliver is what Franziska Fennert said: “Nature is our extended body and therefore we need to renew our relationship from exploitation to cooperation.”

▎ARTFEM Women Artists International Biennial of Macau
Duration: September 30 - December 13, 2020