Rose Wylie

Rose Wylie was born in Kent, 1934. She graduated from the Royal College of Art with an MA, in 1981. Currently lives and works in her Kent cottage, producing extremely large paintings on unstretched, unprimed canvas, creating a kind of artlessness, in her signature loose, spontaneous style. She finds visual material for her large-scale paintings in a wide range of sources: from art history, cinema and comic books, to daily observations, news and celebrity stories.

Her images are often painted through the filter of her memory, using text to anchor recollections and facts and editing slippages in the compositions by overlaying new pieces of canvas, like a collage.Wylie’s canvases are confident and energetic, proposing new perspectives on the world and the plethora of images in our cultural memory.

英國奶奶的烏托邦花園:蘿絲・薇莉個展Rose Wylie: Yellow Bird and Leaves2015.10.31—12.06

Rose Wylie: Yellow Bird and Leaves

30x2,40x2—聖潔與世俗30x2, 40x2 - Holy and Profane2014.06.01—08.17

30x2, 40x2 - Holy and Profane


路由藝術群---Rose Wylie, Petah Coyne, Isabel & Alfredo Aquilizan參與威尼斯主題展

Rose Wylie, Petah Coyne, Isabel & Alfredo Aquilizan attending venice central pavilion

Nunu Fine Art Artist ROSE WYLIE榮獲英國繪畫大獎 John Moores Painting Prize!

ROSE WYLIE John Moores Awarded a grand award of Painting Prize!